Is virtual therapy right for me?
These are very valid, and very common questions or concerns. We are here to share the many known benefits and opportunities to be had in virtual therapy, and hope to help you find the answers you’re looking for.
The Value of Virtual Therapy
Some benefits of virtual therapy for you to consider
Broadens Your Choices
Time and time again you will hear “it’s the fit that matters most”. Finding a therapist or mental health professional that you connect with is the ultimate key to success in therapy. Choosing a virtual path allows you to broaden your search for that perfect match to any clinician in the province! Wherever you are in Ontario, so long as you have internet access and the technology to engage, we can likely offer you virtual sessions.
Convenient & Efficient
There is no denying the convenience of a virtual appointment. Cutting out the commute and time spent in a waiting room can buy you back valuable hours in your day. It can also eliminate the need to find (and sometimes pay for) parking! Virtual therapy offers you the convenience and efficiency of fitting appointments into your day, without much interruption at all.
Comfortable by Your Own Standards
Virtual therapy allows you to optimize the space and surroundings for your therapy appointments. So long as you have privacy and access to a secure internet connection, the rest is up to you! You can find a favourite corner of your home, use that beloved mug, or snuggle under a cozy blanket if you prefer – no cold or intimidating office spaces to adapt to!

A Different Type of Private
Have you ever worried about who you will bump into in a waiting room or parking lot, when all you want to do is get in and out of an appointment? Choosing a therapist who uses a secure and safe network allows you the comfort of knowing your sessions will remain private and confidential, in a place that feels safest for you. Whether that’s the comfort of your home or a safely parked car – the privacy you feel can be influenced and fully chosen by you.

Flexible and Adaptable
Holding sessions virtually allows your therapist to offer appointments in a more flexible and adaptive way, especially in non-traditional times. Eliminating long commutes and the need for office space means that therapists are able to offer a wider range of appointment times, spanning from early mornings to later evenings and everything in between!
Accessible for Many
For those who live in remote areas, where commutes are long – or perhaps impacted by our Canadian winters – virtual therapy could be just what you’re looking for! In addition, those with physical (or other) limitations who may struggle to attend certain office locations may find that virtual therapy is a better fit for their needs. Our hope is that access to effective virtual therapy can perhaps open doors that haven’t been available to many folks before now!
Proven Effective!
Perhaps the most important question of all – does it work? Ultimately, the research says YES! Now, it’s important to keep in mind that everyone is different – what works for one may not work for all. But overwhelmingly the research has shown that virtual therapy is effective for many.
Still Not Convinced? That’s Okay!
Our goal is to provide you with as many facts and considerations as possible, so that you can make a choice that feels right for you! There will certainly be some situations where virtual therapy is not recommended, and to learn more about these, check out our FAQ page (link below).