Title: SuperSoul Session: The Anatomy of Trust
Creator: Brené Brown
Year: 2015
Tags: Adults, Relationships, Trust
What’s It About?
This 23-minute video is jam packed with pure gold (though let’s face it, anything by Brené Brown usually is, right?) The video starts with a humorous story and personal anecdote that will help set the stage for the topic of trust. Trust, as we know, is often thought of as this arbitrary, black and white concept. We either trust someone, or we don’t. Brené takes us through her research and findings in a fun and relatable way, to help viewers consider what “trust” truly means. She offers several practical strategies to implement in your everyday life that will help you consider how to trust others (and yourself).

Of biggest takeaway is the acronym Brené shares which highlights the anatomy of trust: B-R-A-V-I-N-G.
“When we trust, we are braving connection with someone.”
BOUNDARIES: I trust you if you’re clear about your boundaries… and you’re clear about my boundaries. “There is no trust without boundaries.”
RELIABILITY: Do you do what you say you’re going to do, time and time again.
ACCOUNTABILITY: “I can only trust you, if when you make a mistake, you are willing to own it, apologize for it, and make amends.”
VAULT: “What I share with you, you will hold in confidence. What you share with me, I will hold in confidence.” (There’s more to this one! Give a listen in the video to learn more. Trust us, it’s good!).
INTEGRITY: “It’s choosing courage over comfort, choosing what’s right over what’s fun, fast or easy, and practicing your values – not just professing your values.”
NON-JUDGMENT: “I can fall apart and be in struggle and ask for help and not be judged by you.”
GENEROSITY: “Our relationship is only a trusting relationship if you can assume the most generous thing about my words, intentions and behaviors, and then check in with me.”

FOOTNOTE CITATION: Brené Brown (2015, November 1), SuperSoul Sessions: The Anatomy of Trust.