Finding Calm in the Chaos
It’s Tuesday morning, your phone has 8 new notifications already (a couple text messages, some junky promotional emails you’ve been meaning to unsubscribe from, social media stuff, and your phone needs another update – which you ignore, again). The dog needs fed, the dishes need done, you have a day jam packed of both work and social stuff (don’t forget to call your mom and plan that visit with your friend you’ve been meaning to arrange). You have a to-do list a mile long already, and a running list of things you don’t want to forget to “balance” this week… Did I move my body enough today? Meal prep? Check in on all the loved ones I am supposed to? Shower?!
Life is busy. Some may say “chaotic” even. Every day is a marathon of activities and demands. Whether you’re a parent managing the household and making sure your little one’s needs are met, or you’re a professional weighed down by career demands plus the ever-running pull to stay on top of your social life and relationships. Chaos and this busy life can consume us all.

So, what can you do about it?
We all know the obvious tips and strategies to a healthier life, such as: prioritizing quality sleep, consuming more healthy foods and sneaking in some daily movement. This blog will assume you know the basics already and move a bit deeper. We are here to offer you some strategies and reflective exercises to help you move towards a more balanced life. Rather than being consumed by the chaos, let’s look at ways that we can better set ourselves up to meet the demands and busy-ness that life will inevitably throw our way.
This, my friend, is the golden rule. Being reflective and self-aware is quite literally the key to knowing how to manage chaos when it comes your way. You could read 1000 blogs, filled with hundreds of fabulous tips and tricks, but the bottom line is if you don’t know yourself, none of it will matter. Take time to reflect and consider both ends of this spectrum (the calm and the chaos). Some people really thrive on busy days – but only if they have some semblance of plan (perhaps you have back-to-back social events and fun activities planned – but what brings you the calm is knowing exactly what the plan is, and sticking with it). Or perhaps you thrive on having some spontaneity in the matter – if you know the plan is too strict, you feel more chaotic when it starts veering off track. Maybe you’re better at rolling with the punches as they come each day. So let’s reflect together:
- For you, what triggers you or causes you to feel overwhelmed? What “type” of busy is overwhelming or draining for you?
- Conversely, what brings you calm? Life has thrown many busy and chaotic days your way before, no doubt! What was most helpful for you in managing those moments and finding your calm?
Have you ever had a moment after a really busy and stressful week, when you finally sit down to catch your breath and realize “holy, that was a lot!”? Yeah, us too. Sometimes when you’re in the thick of the storm, you don’t even really realize it’s happening. It isn’t until it has passed, or you’ve had a moment to stop and reflect, that you realize you’ve been poured on a little too hard. So here we ask that you stop and take stock of the situation earlier and more frequently. We cannot make changes if we aren’t even aware of what’s happening in the first place. When building awareness, consider:
- What are my personal red flags to show that I am burning out and crashing?
- Is there a daily/weekly/monthly practice I can engage in to check-in with myself?
This final point really pulls things together. You need to both “know thyself”, and “be aware” of the storms around you, before you can make a plan of how to build in the calm. This final strategy asks you to be intentional and gift yourself a bit of calm each day. Know what helps you settle and come back down from the chaos of life… and do more of it! For some, it may be the simple things like making sure you shower before bed and sip a hot drink. For others it may be ensuring you have some quiet time each day (maybe even at a particular time), to disconnect and recharge. Know what it is that really fills your cup and gives you the energy to tackle everything else that is coming your way. For this, we ask you to consider:
- What is one small thing you can do each day that will guarantee a moment of calm and recharge?
- What is your plan for implementing that bit of calm into every single day, and how will you hold yourself accountable for keeping this time protected and prioritized (knowing that you’ll be better off if you do)?
So, when it’s another Tuesday morning and the chaos starts to spin (8 new notifications, a hungry dog, work, school, kids, and on and on…), we hope you think of these three reflective strategies. Take time to truly know yourself, be aware of the busy life around you and, when you can, find some time to build in the calm.