Virtual Therapy: What You Can Do to Get the Most Out of Treatment
So, you’ve found a therapist and opted for a virtual experience (phone or videoconference) … but now what? Much like in-person treatment, there are many things you can do to get the most out of your therapy sessions.

Here are some things to consider:
(1) Set up a space that creates comfort and privacy for your appointments.
Besides the obvious things, like making sure your technology is working and charged, consider the space you are using for sessions. Make sure no one else is around and able to listen in on the session without your (or your therapist’s) knowledge and permission. Create a quiet space, free from interruptions. And finally, make it a space that you enjoy spending time in … find a favourite photo, piece of art, houseplant, or whatever brings you happiness, and keep it in this space.
(2) Make sure your technology is therapy-friendly.
What on earth does this mean? Is the technology charged and ready for the appointment? Check! Are you comfortable with the system you are using, and know how to partake in the session? Great!
Now, let’s make it friendly: consider shutting off or silencing notifications during appointments for things like emails and text messages. There is nothing more distracting than being mid-thought and having a text pop up about work or what your family wants for dinner that night. Give yourself the gift of a distraction free therapy session.
(3) Therapy and multitasking don’t mix!
One of the most appealing parts of virtual therapy is the sheer convenience of being able to slot it into your day without needing to travel or interrupt much of your daily flow. This can make it very tempting to try and multitask during sessions. Yes, you can take a phone call or videoconference someone from (almost) anywhere, but therapy isn’t the same as talking to your friend. Refrain from trying to do therapy while accomplishing tasks around the house, such as folding laundry or cooking a meal, and certainly do not attempt it while out and about (remember: therapy is not something that should occur in the dairy aisle of a grocery store!). Being fully present and tuned inwill allow you to get the most out of your therapeutic experience.
(4) Create a Pre & Post Therapy Routine
The one hidden gem of in-person therapy, that perhaps goes unnoticed until it is gone, is the commute time to and from the appointment. This time can afford you an opportunity to get ready for, and unwind from, a therapy session. So, is that totally lost in a virtual world? Absolutely not! The truth is, you’ll likely create your own pre and post therapy routines, even if absentmindedly. But if it feels a bit jarring to go from session to daily life (or vice versa) then consider creating a personal routine! Perhaps pre-session you will set up your space, have a quick snack or make a cup of tea to sip throughout the appointment. Maybe post-session you step outside, walk the dog, or do a simple house chore. Find the thing that offers you 10-15 minutes of you time and use that to help you transition to and from your appointments.
(5) Always talk to your therapist about what’s working, and what’s not.
If there’s a problem or barrier that is preventing you from getting the most out of your virtual therapy sessions, do not hesitate to let your therapist know! Whether it’s ongoing demands of childcare, or difficulty finding a private place, give yourself the opportunity to explore creative solutions. Odds are, there are other options that can be found with the help of your therapist.